A common misconception that occurs when deciding on a garden fence is that if you want privacy you have to comprise on contemporary good looking designs.

We manufacture premium quality contemporary fence panels that will suit any garden. Increasing focus on exteriors and garden design has become and more prominent feature across the UK and more of us are searching for stand out gardens. Choosing the right panel that will fit both your privacy and garden inspiration needs is easy with Jacksons.

Chilham panels

Solid Fencing for Privacy

Using solid fence panels is a good simple way of creating a more secluded private garden. Panels like our Chilham or Tongue and Groove minimise the chance of a neighbour being able to see into your garden. UK planning laws require  planning permission for fences over 2m so opting for a 1.8m (6ft) panels will give you the most privacy without needing planning permission.

Solid featherboard fencing

Slatted fencing can give you privacy with style

Our most popular contemporary panel is our Venetian fence panel. The Venetian style is spaced out horizontal slates which have been featured in many contemporary garden designs. However, it does allow neighbours to see through. Fortunately there is a variant of Venetian fencing known as Venetian Hit and Miss that tackles the privacy issues and stays true to the contemporary aesthetics. Alternating slats on both sides stop people seeing directly through the fencing whilst it still allowing light through.

Hit and Miss

Our Canterbury Combi panel is a hybrid of our Tongue and Groove panel with our Venetian on top. This gives your garden a sleek modern design while keeping it private and out of view.

Additional resources

Good Quality Fencing Can Add Value to Your Home

Choosing Featherboard Fencing

Designer Slatted Fence Panels Covering Oil Tank

Slatted fence panels

Different types of fence panels

Fence Comparison Tool

Compare all the different types of fence panels we offer using our handy comparison tool.


Download our Good Fencing Guide Brochure
