Not all fencing is equal and there is a lot to consider when buying, renewing or replacing your fence.

Planning is essential; finding the right materials needed, plotting the exact location and understanding how many panels and posts you may need are just some of the elements that need consideration. As with any garden related project, planning is the first and most important step so do plenty of research beforehand.

This blog has been designed to help you choose the right type of fencing or fence panels with some useful tips on how to get the best results from you new garden fence. Most importantly it is here to highlight you the difference between a good and bad fence and help you to understand what actually makes a good quality fence. 

The Quality Of The Material Used To Construct The Fence

Using high quality materials used to build a fence tend to give better longer lasting results. The fence will not only stand the test of time but have a greater aesthetic appeal.

At Jacksons Fencing we source all of our materials using specialist buyers who we have worked with for many years in the fencing industry. All of our timber is derived from three main species; Radiata, Redwoods and Corsican Pine because these trees are fast-growing and absorb our unique timber treatment extremely well due to being softwoods. Not only does this benefit the environment from a lower carbon footprint but enables us to offer an unrivalled 25-Year Guarantee.  

The Expected Length Of Life

Budget is often the greatest blockage to buying a good fence. A fence that will last longer are often more expensive than a cheaper alternative you may need to replace every few years. Everyone looks for a bargain but when you compare buying an expensive option vs a cheaper alternative fence that you made need to replace every few years it works out more economical to choose the superior timber fence that has been engineered to go the distance.

One of the most important factors which increase the life span of a timber fence is if the wood has undergone pressure treatment. If a fence has not been pressure treated well, then it is more likely to become susceptible to rot and may dwindle very quickly.

Timber Treatment Process

The Integrity And The Construction Of The Materials Used

The construction of a fence panel or gate is arguably the most important element but can be the most difficult to detect. If a fence panel or gate is constructed using thin pales or weak support battens/rails or held in place using substandard posts then the fence is unlikely to last weathering over a sustained period, even a mild storm has been known to blow fencing over with relative ease. 

Recently we produced a complete Buyers Guide to Garden Gates which discusses important elements to consider when choosing a garden gate. For example, the importance of using galvanised fixtures and fittings, doing so ensures rust doesn't become a problem by weakening your garden gate or fencing over time.


Choosing The Right Type Of Fencing To Do The Right Job  

The array of types, styles and shapes on the market today is diverse so understanding what you need and want from your fencing is crucial. Whether it’s improving home security or improving the aesthetics of your garden with some contemporary fencing, each style will have its own characteristics that will either match your requirements or not.   We have developed a guide on Choosing The Right Fence.

The Quality of the Fence Installation Makes a Difference

After you have spent time searching for the perfect fence, deciding who will install the fence is not something to overlook. Whether you choose to hire a skilled professional or opt for the do-it-yourself approach, it is essential the fence is installed correctly by someone with the necessary skills and knowledge. We’ve created installation instructions for those wanting to do it themselves, you can view those here.

Alternatively, the Jacksons Approved Installer Scheme is a national network of the most successful highly skilled recommended professionals that can install your fence for you. Read all about the Approved Installer Scheme to find out about Approved Fence Installation.

Tongue and Groove effect fence panels with trellis

Additional Resources

Choosing Feather Edge Fencing

What To Consider When Choosing A Fence

How To Choose A Garden Fence


Fence Comparison Tool

Compare all the different types of fence panels we offer using our handy comparison tool.
