A customer, John Matthews sent us these fantastic pictures of his garden after using our products to create a bespoke five sided wooden pergola, multiple split level decks and walkways with style two garden balustrade, and an ingenious use of lattice premier trellis as edging to the decks and as extra high screening for privacy in his garden.

With his imaginative use of white spar gravel and tasteful planting it comes together to make a magical space for relaxing in.  I particularly like the night-time pics with the LED up lighters in the decking. 

Well done, John. I haven’t been able to contact you on the email address you sent the pics in to me on, so I haven’t been able to send you your fee of £100 yet for these great pics. Please get in touch with me on pics@jacksons-fencing.co.uk,  then we can send you your thank you cheque.

Timber Pergola at Night


Pergola Balustrade and Deck at night

 Lattice Trellis fence and decking

pergola side view