Fencing & Gate Abbreviations

Fencing & Gate Abbreviations

  • c/w

    - Complete With; i.e - This gate c/w fittings 
  • CHS

    - Circular Hollow Section
  • FSC®

    - Forest Stewardship Council®
    • LHH

      - Left Hand Hanging; i.e - This gate is LHH (When viewed from the pavement/road)
    • P.A.R

      - Planed All Round - the product have been planed on all sides.
    • PEFC

      - Promoting Sustainable Forest Management
    • PPC

      - Polyester Powder Coating; i.e - Product shown in PPC blue
    • RHH

      - Right Hand Hanging; i.e - This gate is RHH (When viewed from the pavement/road)
    • RHS

      - Rectangular Hollow Section
    • SHS

      - Square Hollow Section
;_z=z">here for more information on why a fence could fail
